Increasing Sales at Your Business

Increasing Sales at Your Business

The Essentials Of Regulation A+ Crowdfunding

by Roger Hoffman

Funding a startup or an existing company is often challenging, especially when the entrepreneur needs a significant sum. But, since the inception of crowdfunding, entrepreneurs can now receive funding from diverse investors more conveniently. If you consider raising capital for your business using crowdfunding, this article is for you.

What Is Regulation A+?

Regulation A+, or Reg A+, allows members of the public to be investors in private companies. It is one of the JOBS Acts laws set in motion by former President Barack Obama. Before then, only accredited investors could access offerings from startup companies. Once Regulation A+ came into effect, non-accredited investors were allowed to participate in funding startups. Therefore, with Reg A+, your company doesn't receive funding solely from the wealthy, but your fans, friends, clients, and family members get to contribute too.

What Does the Buying and Selling of Regulation A+ Shares Involve?         

Reg A+ comes with two tiers: Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 1 allows your company to raise a maximum of $20 million. On the other hand, tier 2 caps the offerings at $75 million. These tiers allow your company to offer securities and shares that any interested investor from the general public can purchase. To pick the best tier for your company, you need to consider your financial needs and discuss all aspects of the business with other concerned parties.

In most cases, investors who fund startups using Regulation A+ prefer companies that stipulate with clarity what they get from purchasing their products. That means, for your company to attract as much funding as possible, you must provide in-depth insights into the values of your company, its operations, and reasons why you deserve funding. Furthermore, if your company already has a solid fan base and many clients, they are likely to invest enthusiastically.

Once your investors have taken the initiative, more crowds will be interested in participating. When many people are interested in your company, the chances are high that a significant number will eventually become investors and consumers simultaneously.

How Can Your Company Benefit from Regulation A+?

One of the best things about Reg A+ is it lets you exercise direct control over your company. That means you get to make vital decisions involving valuation, amount of funding to be raised, price of shares, when to list your offerings, etc., at your discretion. Moreover, unlike alternatives like venture capital, with Regulation A+, your location doesn't matter. The only rule is your headquarters have to be either in the United States of America or Canada. That ensures startups in smaller towns get the same opportunity to thrive as those in enormous hubs like New York, LA, and Silicon Valley. Lastly, with Reg A+, you get to convert satisfied customers into satisfied investors, and vice versa. These customers-cum-investors act as excellent free marketers and vouch for your company. Plus, they also lend more credibility to your operations, products, and services.

To learn more about buying and selling regulation CF shares, contact crowdfunding services. 


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Increasing Sales at Your Business

Do you own a business? Maybe, you’ve been disappointed with the sales at your company this year. If you can relate to this frustrating situation, hiring a marketing consultant might be a smart idea. A marketing consultant can help you effectively advertise the products or services you provide to customers. For instance, this professional can help you expertly tailor your social media updates to your target market. A marketing consultant can also help you come up with amazing sales promotions, such as contests, that will lure customers to your place of business. On this blog, I hope you will discover how a marketing consultant can help you boost sales at your business. Enjoy!
